The Constitution Of
Lakefront Yacht Club, Inc
Article I – Name
The name of this club shall be Lakefront Yacht Club, Inc. Referred to in this document as "the Club".
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of "the Club" is to promote boating and other aquatic sports in the state of Ohio in general, and in the city of Port Clinton, Ohio in particular. It is the intent of "the Club" to improve the quality of life in the city of Port Clinton, Ohio by the best use of Lake Erie resources, and to use the waters and shores of this State wisely and for the betterment of all. To that end, "the Club" shall encourage the exchange of ideas and information among boaters, and shall seek to provide an atmosphere for camaraderie among its members.
Article III – Membership
Section 1. Classes of Membership: Membership shall be divided into three classes: Resident, Non-Resident, and Social. Resident members are members who harbor their watercraft at Safe Harbor Lakefront Marina or Spinnaker Bay, in the city of Port Clinton, Ohio. Non-Resident members are members who harbor their watercraft in the Port Clinton, Ohio area, within 10 miles of, but not at Safe Harbor Lakefront Marina. Social members are members who are not eligible for Resident or Non-Resident membership. Social members do not have the privilege of reciprocity at other clubs enjoyed by Resident and Non-Resident Boaters.
Section 2. Limitations on Membership: Membership shall be available to any person aged 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, sex, or national origin. A candidate for membership must be referred or proposed by a current member of "the Club" except when renewing said membership. At no time shall Non-Resident and Social voting members out-number Resident voting members; that is, Resident members shall always have a majority, fifty percent plus one (50% +1), over Non-Resident and Social voting members.
Section 3. Categories of Membership:
A. Active Membership applies to any person who makes a proper application to "the Club", has been approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors ("the Board"), and has paid the yearly dues for "the Club", who is not a Family, Life or Retired member, shall be an Active Member. Active members must pay yearly dues as established by "the Board" and shall be Resident, Non-Resident, or Social Members.
B. Family Membership applies to any spouse or child under the age of 18 years of an active member. Family Members shall have all of the benefits of membership in "the Club", but shall neither pay dues, nor vote.
C. Life Membership applies to any active member of "the Club" for a period of thirty years, and shall be exempt from further payment of dues. Life Members shall be Resident, Non-Resident, or Social.
D. Retired Membership applies to any active member, over the age of Sixty-Five (65) years, who is retired from gainful employment, and has been an active member of "the Club" for at least Fifteen (15) years may, at that member's option, become a Retired Member of "the Club" and pay dues as set by "the Board". Retired dues shall not count toward Life membership. Retired members shall be Resident, Non-Resident, or Social.
Article IV-Governing Body
Section 1. Board of Directors here-in known as "the Board": "The Club" shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of appointed Directors and a Bridge of officers who shall be elected at the annual meeting of "the Club" in accordance with the rules and procedures hereinafter set forth. "The Board" shall meet as often as shall be necessary to carry out the business of "the Club" as delineated by standing operating procedure.
Section 2. Limitations and Powers of "the Board": Four members of the Board shall have the power to call a meeting of the Board by written notice (electronic or handwritten) mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Five members of "the Board" shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of "the Board".
Section 3. Officers and Rank: The officers of "the Board" shall be and rank as follows: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Fleet Captain, Quartermaster, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past Commodore.
Section 4. Duties of Officers and Directors:
A. The Commodore shall command the fleet and preside over all meetings of the and "the Board". The Commodore shall enforce the rules and regulations of "the Club", appoint all committee chairs, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The commodore shall fill by appointment any vacancy in "the Board" until a meeting can be called to elect a new officer or Director.
B. The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the discharge of the Commodore's duties and shall perform such legitimate duties as may be assigned by the Commodore. The Vice Commodore shall officiate in the absence of the Commodore.
C. The Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore and the Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties and shall perform such legitimate duties as may be assigned by them. The Rear Commodore's primary duties shall consist of Chairman of the Social Committee. The Rear Commodore shall work with the Fleet Captain and Quartermaster to facilitate all social functions of "the Club". The Rear Commodore shall officiate in the absence of the Commodore and the Vice Commodore.
D. The Fleet Captain shall be the principal boating activities officer of "the Club" and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees which deal with such activities. With the assistance of the Secretary, the Fleet Captain shall keep an accurate fleet roster, including the general types and measurements of the vessels and the names and address of their owners. The Fleet Captain shall assemble the fleet at waterborne events and, with the Commodore, shall preside at all club races and cruises.
E. The Quartermaster shall work with the Rear Commodore and the Fleet Captain to aid in facilitation of all social functions of "the Club".
F. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the corporate seal and shall keep a true record of all proceedings of the regular and special meetings of "the Club" and "the Bridge" the Secretary shall keep the role of members and shall provide each Board member with an updated roster including names, address and telephone numbers no later than January 1st of each year. The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence of "the Club" and perform such other legitimate duties as may be required by the Commodore and "the Board". In the case of the inability of the Secretary to perform the duties set forth herein, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to cause the appropriate books and records of "the Club" to be delivered to "the Board" until such time as the Commodore shall appoint an acting Secretary.
G. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of "the Club" and all monies due it and bills contracted by it. The Treasurer shall arrange for the safekeeping of all cash and securities and report at each meeting of the Board and at the annual meeting of the members on the financial condition of "the Club". The Treasurer shall file or provide for the filing of all appropriate financial documents with the Federal and State governments and shall make such disbursements from "the Club's" treasury as shall be approved by "the Board".
H. The Immediate Past Commodore shall be a voting member of "the Board" and shall guide and lend assistance to the Commodore as such is asked for in presiding over meetings of "the Board" and enforcing the rules and regulations of "the Club".
Section 5. Past Commodores Past Commodores of "the Club" shall be ex-officio members of the Bridge. They shall not be entitled to vote at regular meetings of "the Board" but shall be entitled to claim the privilege of the floor.
Section 6. Directors The Directors of "the Club" shall make informed decisions with the purpose of "the Club" in mind. Directors should have good leadership qualities and should be looked to when selecting positions such as dock captains and committee chairpersons.
Article V - Nominations, Elections and Voting
Section 1. Nominations Committee The Nominations Committee should consist of the Immediate Past Commodore of "the Club", and two to four members appointed by "the Board".
The Nomination Committee shall meet as necessary to present a slate of candidates to the members in writing no less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 2. Elections
A. Within 30 days prior to the annual meeting the members shall elect the officers of "the Bridge", via an on-line voting portal, for the ensuing year as follows:
B. All officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. However, they have the option to run for a second term with a maximum of two (2) terms, 2 consecutive terms. The Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, may move up in office if no other nominations are presented for vote.
C. Directors are appointed to a term of one year. There is no limitation on subsequent appointments.
D. No more than 4 Non-resident members of "the Club" may serve on the Board at any one time. Social members are not eligible to serve on "the Board".
E. Limitations on terms of office shall take effect with those elections which are held to elect members of "the Board" for the first full calendar year after the adoption of this constitution.
Section 3. Voting
A. Each Active, Retired, and Life member of "the Club", in attendance, shall be entitled to cast one vote for each officer and for each question raised at the annual meeting of members. A simple majority being required for approval.
B. Voting will be via an on-line voting portal.
Section 4. Terms of office each person elected at the annual meeting shall take office on January 1st of the year following the year in which that officer was elected, as will the Directors, as appointed by the newly elected Board.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1. Monthly meetings should be held at Lakefront Yacht Club as set forth by the Commodore.
Section 2. The annual meeting of "the Club" shall be held each year on a date as set by "the Board".
Sections 3. Special meetings of "the Club" should be called at the discretion of the Commodore, or the request of four (4) members of "the Board", or at the request of ten (10) members of "the Club" in good standing.
Section 4. Notices of meeting called under Art.VI Section 3 shall be mailed, either electronically or by US Mail, by the Secretary to the Active, Retired, or Life members of "the Club" at the address listed in "the Club" roster as follows.:
A. Notice of meetings, at which members will be elected to "the Board", or at which an expelled member will appeal from the decision of "the Board", or at which this Constitution will be approved or amended, shall be mailed to the members, by first class mail or electronic mail, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of said meeting, and shall contain a written statement of the purpose of the meeting.
B. All other notices of Special Meetings called under Section 3 shall be mailed to the members, by first class mail or electronically, at their addresses as shown by "the Club's" roster at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting.
Article VII — Dues and Initiation Fees
The dues amount shall be set annually by "the Board". The initiation fee, if any, shall likewise be set annually by "the Board" and shall be paid in such method as shall be provided by the Bridge.
Article VIII -- Resignations and Expulsions
Section 1. Resignations: Any member who is not in financial arrears to "the Club" may resign from the Club.
Section 2. Suspensions: The treasurer shall report the name of any member who is more than sixty (60) days in financial arrears, from the last statement to "the Board", and "the Board" may, at its discretion, suspend such member from active participation in the affairs of "the Club" until such arrearage shall be brought current.
Section 3. Expulsions: Members who are expelled from "the Club" may not use the facilities of "the Club" or attend any functions of "the Club" as a guest of a club member.
A. Any member who remains in financial arrears to "the Club" for a period of ninety
(90) days, shall upon written notice mailed to such member, contact a Bridge member within 10 days or be expelled from membership. Any member who is found to be in arrears and is notified as aforesaid and contacts a Bridge member may provide an explanation of circumstances. If "the Bridge" finds there exists enough cause, it may refuse to expel such member and instead suspend the member until such financial arrears to "the Club" are brought current.
B. Any member of "the Club" who, as determined by the Bridge, shall engage in conduct unbecoming a member of "the Club", whose personal conduct is a source of embarrassment to "the Club", or whose conduct upon the waters or shores of this State constitutes a danger to others, shall upon written notice mailed to such member contact a Bridge member within 10 days or be expelled from membership.
C. If the Bridge finds enough cause for expulsion in such circumstance, it shall offer the member an opportunity to resign upon condition that such member agrees not to reapply for membership for a period of one (1) year from the date of the resignation. If the member so charged does not accept such offer of resignation, then the Bridge may expel such member by no less than a 2/3rds vote of the Bridge with no recourse to reapply for club membership.
Section 4. Appeals: Any member expelled by action of the Bridge shall have the right within thirty (30) days thereafter to appeal to "the Club" from the decision of the Bridge by filing with the Secretary a written notice of such appeal. The Secretary shall thereupon bring the matter before the Bridge which shall be required to call a special meeting of "the Club" within thirty (30) days with notice as provided in Article VI, Section 4.2. At such special meeting, the expelled member may appeal to the members of "the Club" and the members present by a 2 /3rds vote may reverse the action of the Bridge and restore the expelled member to membership. Until such reversal, however, the action of the Bridge shall stand, and the expelled member shall not be entitled to any rights or privilege of membership.
Section 5. Relinquishment: Resignation or expulsion from "the Club" shall constitute a relinquishment of all right, title and interest in and to any club property.
Article IX -- Crest
The Crest of the Lakefront Yacht Club, Inc. shall consist of a likeness of the burgee.
Article X— Burgee
The Burgee of the Lakefront Yacht Club, Inc. shall be triangular, with the length one and one-half times the hoist. The burgee shall be Red over white over blue, with LYC centered in “City Blueprint” font over Port Clinton in “Script” font in the center white field.
Article XI -- Insignia and Flags
Section 1. Officers' Insignia: The insignia for officers shall be as follows:
A. Commodore: Three gold stars. The Commodore's flag shall be Blue, rectangular,
with a foul anchor in white, surrounded by thirteen (13) white five-pointed stars.
B. Vice Commodore: Two gold stars. The Vice Commodore's flag shall be Red,
Rectangular, with a foul anchor in white surrounded by thirteen (13) white five-pointed stars.
C. Rear Commodore: One gold star. The Rear Commodore's flag shall be White,
rectangular, with a foul anchor in red, surrounded by thirteen (13) red five-pointed stars.
D. Fleet Captain: A gold foul anchor. The Fleet Captain's flag shall be White,
rectangular, with a blue foul anchor.
E. Quartermaster: A gold foul anchor. The Quartermaster's flag shall be white, rectangular with a red foul anchor.
F. Secretary: Two gold crossed quills. The secretary's flag shall be blue, rectangular with two white crossed quills.
G. Treasure: A gold acorn. The treasure's flag shall be blue, with a white acorn in the center.
H. Past Commodore: Three silver stars. The Past Commodore's flag shall be Blue,
rectangular, with a white anchor in the center and three white five pointed stars vertically arranged along the hoist.
Article XII –Guests
Visiting members of other yacht clubs and personal guests of members in good standing of "the Club" shall be extended the courtesies of "the Club". Members who introduce guests to "the Club" shall be responsible for the debts and behavior of their guests.
Article XIII — Approval and Amendments
The Constitution shall be approved and may be amended only by the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3rds) of all the members of "the Club" responding to a vote via an on-line voting portal established for that purpose.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Constitution of the Lakefront Yacht Club, Inc. was adopted by two thirds (2/3rds) of the members of the Lakefront Yacht Club,
Inc. present and voting, at the meeting, at Safe Harbor Lakefront Marina in Port Clinton Ohio, on the 20th day of May 2006
Revised and amended this 27th day of May 2019.